Past Activities

2022 Activities

IEEE Life Member Awards

  • Regional Life Member Affinity Group Achievement Award 2022

Dr. Harbans Lal Bajaj, LF, Delhi Section, LMAG, Region 10 Award – Certificate + US $500 towards future LMAG Activities Citation – Advancing the image of IEEE and the Life Members by communicating LMAG ideals, programs and IEEE initiatives through various channels and News Letter.

  • Regional Life Member Individual Service award 2022

Dr. Harbans Lal Bajaj, LF, Delhi Section, LMAG, Region 10 Award – Plague Citation – Enhancing the awareness, exposure & image of IEEE and the Life Members by communicating LMAG ideals, programs and initiatives through various means such as website & News Letter.

IEEE Region 10 Awards

  • R10 Outstanding Life Member Volunteer Award 2022

Dr. Harbans Lal Bajaj, LF, Delhi Section, LMAG, Region 10 Award – Plaque Citation – Mr. Bajaj infused new life into the activities of LMAG by increasing number of technical talks, by communicating through Newsletter and LMAG website

  • IEEE Region 10 Life Member Photography Collection contest (Category 1)

C. Satish, LSM, Hyderabad Section, Region 10 Award – Certificate _ US $200 Cash Prize Citation – For Creating highly practical resources like the Video on presentation of electric shocks, digital tutorial on grounding in electrical safety.

  • IEEE Region 10 Life Member Photography Collection contest (Category 2)

No winner

2021 Activities

R10 Life Member Outstanding Volunteer Award 2021

Recipient  – Prof. V. K. Damodaran, Kerala Section

R10 Life Member Photography Competition 2021

Category Section Activities (More than 5 years old) – First Prize winner – Dr. Harbans Lal Bajaj, IEEE LF, Delhi Section – Certificate + Cash Prize of $200

Category (Photographs of Historical Engineering Tools/Project)  – Second Prize, Prof. Kenichi Iga, IEEE LF, Tokyo Section  – Certificate + Cash Prize of $100

Kenichi Iga


2020 Activities

Past R10 Life Member Outstanding Volunteer Award

Launched in 2020.

  • 2020 Awardee – A G Hareendralal, Kerala Section

A G Hareendralal

R10 Life Member Photography Competition (Launched in 2020)

  • During 2020 SWYL Congress –

Category 1 (Section Level) – First Prize – No Winner

Category 1 (Section level) – Second Prize – A. Suhair, Kerala Section – $ 200.00

A Suhair

Category 2 (Individual LM) – First Prize – Masaaki Kobayashi, Kansai Section – $ 200.00

A G Hareendralal

Category 2 (Individual LM) – Second Prize – Naohisa Ohta, Tokyo Section – $150.00